Comprehensive Guide to Searchbug Account Types and Add-Ons

Searchbug Account Types and Add-ons

All Searchbug accounts start off as Standard. We also offer (2) different account add-ons: 

SSN Verification Add-on - The SSN Verification Add-on provides access to our SSN Validator tool and our proprietary SSN and Name Match tool and the accompanied API for real-time access.
Restricted Access Add-on - This add-on is for businesses or licensed professionals that need access to federally regulated data, such as SSN, DMV information, eviction records, and much more.

Once your account is activated, you can then apply for additional access. Here's an overview of the additional features these add-ons provide.

For one-time searches such as VIN and Driver's License, Skip Trace, Background Checks, Place of Employment, and more, you can also place an Investigator-Assisted order.

Watch the video below to learn more. 

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