What is SSN and Name Match?
The SSN and Name Match tool is commonly used by business
owners to verify if the SSN provided matches the name of their employees, customers, or contractors. If it is a match, the Names and Aliases associated with the Social Security Number
will be provided as well as the Date of Birth, Cities Lived, and SSN status.
If you need to match SSN and last name, there are a few different routes you can take. The tool you need depends on what information you need returned or verified. Access to certain information is restricted unless you can prove that you are authorized to access it.
Social security number (SSN) searches are the most accurate ways to people search and verify SSN information.
You might need to locate an SSN to issue a 1099 during tax season, file court paperwork or a lawsuit, locate someone for collection on a debt, track down back child support, or investigate fraud. Use SSN search to get information regarding bankruptcy or liens or to conduct judgment searches. You might also need to find an SSN to conduct a skip trace or professional people search.
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