Which APIs are best for Lead Generation?
Searchbug offers several APIs for lead generation services and they are:
People Search API - This API returns the most up-to-date and complete contact records. We call this a 'mini Skip Trace report'. This includes a full name and "aka" aliases, both current and previous addresses, all known phone numbers and their types (wireless or landline), date of birth, date of death if deceased, relative names, and DOB. Plus, if you have the Restricted Access Add-On, it will include drivers license and SSN information.
2. Find Phone Number API - If your database is missing phone numbers, this API makes it easy to get to phone numbers from street address, email address, name and address, name and city/state, or name and state. You can get home, business, or mobile phone numbers for people or businesses. This API also returns name(s) and address(es) associated with the number.
3. Find Name and Address API - This API enables you to identify, enhance, and update your database making customer records and sales leads more valuable. Find the name and address of any person or business in the US from a phone number, email address, name, city/state, name and county/state, or just name and state.
4. Find Email Address API - You can get email addresses for consumers or businesses with this tool. Search by phone number, street address, name and address, name and city/state, name and state, or even just a name.
The rate of these APIs automatically goes down as your monthly volume increases. Pricing resets on the 1st of each month. If no info is found, there is no charge.
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