Our Property parcel data is continuously maintained. Over 90% of our property records are updated every 12 months or less with 70% of those updated every 6 months or less so you can be sure the data is not stale.
What is your property parcel coverage compared to competitors?
Our Parcel data includes almost 157 million parcels in over 3200 U.S. counties which is updated multiple times a year. Our data is pulled from national real estate parcel data which covers 99% of all U.S. properties.
How do you solve the issue with non-standardized parcel data?
Our data architecture vendor solves the problems for us so you won't experience the issue our competitors have with non-standardized parcel data between counties, regions, and states.
How accurate are you property records?
The accuracy is based on how accurate each county accessors office or county clerks offices are. Our property record systems have an internal error checking processes to verify the data we provide is accurate and up to date so you don't have to worry about outdated information. The only fields that may not be accurate are the valuations since those are typically derived when the properties were sold and/or improved and reassessed.
Are your reports standardized?
Our property records vendors have patented data normalization and transformation processes so it simplifies the data interaction for search and full integration into your application. The standards in attribution are set at the county level and scale to the national data set for our API.
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