Cumulative Volume Pricing: Save More with Higher Data Usage at Searchbug
VFAQ: Cumulative Volume Pricing
Searchbug's Cumulative Volume Pricing is a strategic pricing method where the cost of a service decreases as the total quantity purchased in a month increases. This lets you get more quality data for a cheaper price. We encourage our customers to consolidate their purchases as the volume discounts add up as you process more Bulk Upload files or API queries in a given month.
This is our way of offering pricing discounts to our loyal customers without the inconvenience or commitment of a contract or subscription.
Our cumulative volume-based pricing strategy was implemented in November 2022. The aim is to reward our frequent users with more affordable pricing. The volume discounts increase as you process more files for the same batch type in a given month. ...
APIs (or Application Program Interface) allow you to integrate our search tools directly into your website, program, or mobile application. APIs can be used to locate and verify data and to find contact information in real time. To use an API, you ...
Searchbug migrated to Braintree in July 2023. This payment processing transition elevates the customer experience, ensures the utmost security of sensitive information, and provides additional payment options. With the Braintree payment gateway, ...
Our Property Records API, also known as a Real Estate API, provides comprehensive information to various professionals, such as owner name, property address, size, type, elevation, assessed value, and much more. This is ideal for businesses needing ...
Searchbug offers various data solutions, including data verification, append services, and batch processing. We specialize in providing accurate and up-to-date contact information, helping businesses improve their marketing efforts, reduce fraud, and ...